Every night he goes out hunting. His goal is singing fish, which he sells to onlookers at the market. The trouble is that fish stop singing in captivity and die of boredom and thirst. But the night hunter did not care until he caught the most beautiful fish with sad eyes. The fish sang about the wonderful life under water, about its family and friends, about its dreams and future. And the night hunter listened to these petitions. And then the night hunter decided never to catch fish again in order to put them in cages for sale. And then the night hunter began to hunt fish that had already been caught and sold, in order to steal them from people’s houses and release them into the wild.
This original work on canvas was inspired by folklore stories. Despite the cruel events, love and goodness will defeat evil, and truth will triumph...
This original work on canvas was inspired by folklore stories. Despite the cruel events, love and goodness will defeat evil, and truth will triumph...

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